“Arna chomhchistiú ag Rialtas na hÉireann agus ag an Aontas Eorpach” which means “Co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union”

Meath Opportunities for Training

Meath Opportunities for Training (MOT) is a Local Training Initiative that was set up in to assist people who are in recovery from an addiction. It is funded through the Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB).

LMETB code MH56D.         PLSS 476174

MOT LTI Trim Co. Meath

Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember.
Involve me, and I’ll understand.

Accredited Modules

NATIONAL FRAMEWORK OF QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications frameworks describe the qualifications of an education and training system and how they interlink. National Qualifications  Frameworks describe what learners should know, understand and be able to do on the basis of a given qualification. These frameworks also show how learners can move from one qualification, or qualification level, to another within the Irish Education system.

Drawing 4N1878

Learners use a moderate range of drawing media and view finders expressively, analytically, for graphic purposes and to use a range of drawing styles and techniques including linear, tonal and perspective studies in two & three dimensions.


Learners record a range of subjects from observation including objects and life forms from the natural and manufactured environments and painting from life. Communicate a broad range of ideas visually through painting including appropriate primary and secondary source materials.


The International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL), formally known as European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), is a computer literacy certification programme provided by ECDL Foundation a not-for-profit organization.


Interpersonal skills are life skills we use everyday when we communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. People who have worked in developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives.

Learn New Skills

Open doorways by learning new skills. Course Content: Drawing, ECDL, Painting, Personal and Interpersonal Development. While there is a good emphasis based on the practical skills to be learned, this course is delivered under the ethos of self-development and personal advancement. All Modules are certified at QQI Level 4

Learn by Doing

Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand At MOT LTI all courses are ‘hands on’. Learners are encouraged to try out new skills. Each module has opportunities for discussion and practical tasks and allows a learner to discover how best to meet a new challange.

Build your portfolio

Enhance your CV  Whether it is by way of  QQI or an ECDL award, learners will have the opportunity to create an effective CV and build a portfolio of their practical work.

Achieve your goals

You won’t have to do it alone – MOT LTI Tutors are on hand to help! At MOT LTI we have a team of highly qualified Tutors who will assist and guide you on the pathway to achieving your goals.

” You get out what you put in.”

“It all began when I borrowed the office phone and sat down outside to make a call… I was nervous and about to start on a pathway I would never have thought I could even consider.
From day one on the course at MOT everything was set to empower me and help me take control of my life in a positive way. I always felt involved in everything that was happening there and built a respect for the course, my fellow classmates and myself.”

Martin Doolan, August 2018

Update on Martin’s journey

Martin appeared on the RTE Six One news on 22nd March 2021.

He is almost at the completion of his studies in Trinity College, Dublin and advises everyone to “Put one foot in front of the other and Go For It”.


Questions about an LMETB programme! Whether you have attended an LMETB programme before or hoping to do it for the first time, you may have some questions!

Do I get paid?

The programme is primarily for those who are in long term unemployment. Whilst on the programme your Social Welfare payment will be taken in hand by the LMETB and you will receive it as a Training Allowance. There may also be a small payment for meals.

How long is the programme?

The programme at MOT LTI is of twenty weeks duration. Learners can start at any time if there is a vacancy as the intake is on a continuous basis.

Does it cost anything?

As MOT LTI is an LMETB Community programme there is no cost to attend.

What time does it start and finish?

The programme starts for learners each day at 9:30 am and finishes at 2:30pm.

Where can I apply?

You can contact the Co-ordinator at the centre or you can call into your local Intreo office. You can also apply online by registering at www.fetchcourses.ie

Who is the Louth & Meath Education and Training Board?

Louth & Meath Education and Training Board ‘s Community Education Service supports and assists new and existing community groups in County Louth and Meath in establishing community-based education programmes. Community Education programmes aim to help learners develop their self-confidence and educational skills base so that they can actively take part in their communities. More information on their Website HERE

Free Programme

The programme at MOT LTI is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union through the European Social Fund and Ireland’s EU Structural and Investment funds programmes. This means that there is no charge to participants.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch with us, or call down to your local Intreo Office
Meath Opportunities for Training LTI
Units1&2 Eamon Duggan Ind. Est.
Athboy Road
Co. Meath
C15 V020
046 943 7859

Éire map by Meath Opportunities for Training Click to find your nearest Intreo Centre.

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We are also on the fetchcourses.ie website HERE !

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